Sterling Vendor
Diversity Program
Creating Value Through Diversity

The Foundation of Trust
Sterling provides the foundation of trust and safety our clients need to create great environments for their most essential resource, people. We believe everyone has the right to feel safe.
As a global leader in background and identity services, we pride ourselves in not only finding the right people for our clients, but also the right vendors for our business. We recognize the importance of having a diverse vendor base that reflects our customers around the world. We embrace diversity through our employees, our suppliers and partners we work with, our customers, and the communities in which we work and live. Sterling’s vendor diversity mission is to proactively identify, build relationships with, and purchase goods and services from certified diverse businesses.
Vendor Due Diligence
Sterling’s Vendor Diversity Program is administered and monitored by the Strategic Sourcing & Global Procurement (SS & GP) team. The program is governed by internal goals and contractual commitments to our clients. At Sterling, we understand the critical need to vet and perform due diligence on vendors within our supply base. A thorough due diligence process allows us to identify diverse vendors and include those vendors in our company’s day-to-day screening business. Utilizing diverse vendors is one way that Sterling can support economic development of the diverse communities we serve.
Diverse Vendor Qualifications
Creating Value Through Diversity
Sterling defines a diverse vendor as a US privately held company that is 51% owned and operated by a minority, a woman, a member of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) community, a veteran or a small business that is independently owned and operated, and able to qualify under criteria defined in the US Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Table of Small Business Size Standards.
Business Enterprise (DOBE)
A business that is at least 51% owned, operated, controlled, and managed by a person with a disability. Certified by Disability: IN.
Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB)
A business 51% owned by a veteran that has been honorably discharged from the service. Certified by SBA.
Disabled Veteran
Business Enterprise (DVBE)
A veteran business enterprise is a US-based business which is at least 51% percent owned and controlled by one or more service-disabled veterans. Certified by the SBA.
Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE)
A business that is 51% owned by a socially and economically disadvantaged individuals. African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asian-Pacific and Subcontinent Asian Americans, and women are presumed to be socially and economically disadvantaged. Certified by DBE program points of contacts and websites.
A small business 51% owned and controlled by US citizens, or a Community Development Corporation, an agricultural cooperative, a Native Hawaiian organization, or an Indian tribe, be located within a “Historically Utilized Business Zone” and at least 35% of its employees must reside in a HUBZone. Certified by the SBA.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
Transgender (LGBTBE)
An LGBT business enterprise (LGBTBE) is a US-based business which is at least 51% percent owned by an LGBT person or persons; and exercises independence from any non-LGBT business enterprise. Certified by National LGBT Chamber of Commerce.
Business Enterprise (MBE)
Minority businesses must be at least 51% minority-owned operated and controlled. A minority group member is an individual who is at least 25% Asian, Black, Hispanic, or Native American. Certified by National Minority Supplier Development Council.
Small Business Enterprise (SBE)
A small business enterprise US-based business organized for profit and in accordance with small business size standards.
Women Business Enterprise (WBE)
A Women’s Business Enterprise that is at least 51% owned and controlled by one or more women who are US citizens or Legal Resident Aliens; whose business formation and principal place of business are in the US or its territories; and whose management and daily operation is controlled by a woman with industry expertise. Certified by Women’s Business Enterprise National Council.
Vendor Diversity Program
If you are a qualified diverse vendor, and would like to participate in Sterling’s Vendor Diversity Program, please complete the Diverse Vendor Profile (DVP) form and provide your information and diversity certification to
Sterling Requirement for Diversity Inclusion:
- Disability-Owned Business Enterprise Certification
- Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Certification
- Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Certification
- HUBZone Business Certification
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Business Enterprise Certification
- Minority-Owned Business Certification
- Micro, Small, or Medium Enterprise Certification
- Small or Medium Enterprise Certification
- Small Business Certification
- Veteran-Owned Business Certification
- Woman-Owned Business Certification
Sterling will review all applications and if your company is found eligible, a vendor diversity representative will reach out to you to start the onboarding process.

Selection & Inclusion
Diversity and Inclusion
Upon review of your DVP form, you will be notified within 30 business days by Sterling of your acceptance to our Vendor Diversity Program. Please be thorough with your profile as an incomplete profile will be rejected and returned to you for resubmittal. Sterling is committed to diversity and inclusion; therefore, we take pride in providing equal opportunity to all vendors within our supply base.
Please note, submission of the DVP form is for informational purposes and any information submitted will be for internal use only. Sterling reserves the right to award business to diverse vendors, but it is not guaranteed that all diverse vendors will receive business opportunities.