Background Check
Solutions for the
Construction Industry
Build a workplace of trust and safety from the ground up.
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Success in the construction industry requires teamwork and trust, from engineers to project planners to laborers. A robust, easy-to-use background screening program can help ensure your employees meet all the qualifications set by your company, showing your commitment to a building a safe and secure workplace.
Sterling Corporate Stats, 2021
Stay Ahead of Regulatory Requirements
Maintaining compliance in background checks is not only critical to establishing workplace safety, but also to protect the company from liabilities and fines. Sterling offers compliance tools and services that can be leveraged to help your screening program comply with evolving regulatory requirements at every stage of the hiring process, from verifying licenses and certifications to adhering to safety protocols.
Services Tailored for Construction Workers
While the specific screening needs of every organization differ, Sterling’s verticalized business model and seasoned experts in the construction industry can be leveraged to design the most appropriate solution for your business. With Sterling’s construction-specific services, you can trust in the background checks for your workers.
With direct access to 85% of US criminal search records, our background checks provide a complete picture of a candidate’s criminal history, delivering accurate results quickly and enabling safer hiring decisions.
Criminal activity monitoring proactively monitors 2,000+ jails for new booking and incarceration events for the enrolled employee population. Employers receive alert notifications, so they can conveniently log into the Workforce Monitoring application to view additional criminal activity details.
Our drug and occupational health screening services are among the fastest and most expansive collection network of over 15,000 test sites nationwide. Sterling offers robust pre- and post-hire screening to help organizations stay compliance focused.
Sterling searches through the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) National Sex Offender Public Website (NSOPW), which includes registered sex offenders in 49 States, US territories, the District of Columbia, and participating Indigenous tribes. Please note that reporting in Nevada is not permitted.
Employment verifications are used to verify a candidate’s employment history and records with HR, payroll, or third-party providers — including periods of traditional employment, as well as temp agency assignments, military history, and periods of self-employment. Available in the US and globally.
Sterling’s identity verification service allows organizations to confirm that their candidates are who they say they are, creating a safer workplace for both their employees and their patients.
Sterling offers a Department of Transportation (DOT) Physical Exam that meets employer-specific job requirements. They are sometimes called “Fit for Duty” or “Human Performance” exams, and may include detailed health history, vision screening, hearing evaluation, blood pressure and pulse rate check, urinalysis, and respirator clearance.
A post-accident or “post-incident” test is performed after an employee has been involved in a workplace accident. Testing is used to determine whether drugs and/or alcohol were a potential factor in the incident. This service has 6,000+ trained collectors to perform 24/7/365 emergency collections when accidents occur, and includes immediate contact to a Sterling partner for direct scheduling and dispatch of a qualified technician to the worksite or to the scene of an accident.
Increase productivity and profitability through a seamlessly integrated screening experience with HR tools you already use to manage your hiring process from start to finish. Here are some of our industry-leading partners:
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