Public Records Notice FAQ
Why did I receive this email/letter?
You have received this notification because the background check that is being performed on you may include public records. Common examples of public records information are professional license verifications, driving records, court records of criminal and/or civil cases, and sanctions searches.
Does this mean there is negative information in my report?
The sole purpose of this notice is to inform you that a background check of public information records is being prepared.
Why did I receive multiple public record information notices?
You received more than one letter because the company you authorized to run a background check has initiated more than one report on you. The most common reason for initiating more than one report is a progressive background screening program in which different parts of the background check are ordered in stages. You also could receive more than one letter if you have recently authorized more than one company that utilizes Sterling services to run a background check.
Do I need to do anything?
No, there is no action needed; this notification was sent to you for informational purposes